Dreaming of Summer

I know it’s mid-week, but I am already looking forward to the weekend. I can’t wait to go to the Union Square Farmer’s market and buy some flowers and apples. It’s not the best season right now, but there is still a great variety of things. At the end of the summer there will be so much produce! I’m already imagining all the things I can cook. I am dreaming of the heirloom tomatoes they sell in the summer. Here are some pictures from when I went last weekend.

 michal golan
mj jewelry
On Monday we blogged about Miss Oonaballoona and her Hamsa necklace. I was so happy to see her wearing my work, but she really flattered us this time. She wrote such a sweet post about the necklace! I love being able to brighten someone’s day with my jewelry. Thank you!!!!

michal golan hamsa jewelry
oonaballoona in Michal Golan hamsa necklace

And to end the post here are some funny pictures of my husband. He is such a goofball. We went to China Town and he tried on every ridiculous hat he saw and let me take some pictures. I hope he doesn’t notice I put them on the blog.

michal golan jewelry
michal golan jewelry



  1. LOL! I love the first hat! The market looks great :) I am wishing for summer, too. Fun sundresses and jelly sandals are calling my name.

    I found you via Oona and I am IN LOVE with yoru jewellery. The hamsa necklaces are so beautiful and I also love the open heart necklace in your Etsy shop. Lovely!